Carriages to Peru  

After two years of planning Global Transport was contracted to transport and ship twenty rail carriages from Ipswich in Queensland Australia, to Matarani Port in Southern Peru.

The first job for Global was to arrange for the carriages to have blocks fitted to the underside of the bogies to insure the wheels were clear of the ground and that when shipped the bearings in the bogies did not hammer, four special lifting frames were designed and fabricated as these Carriages needed special lifting frames for changing the bogies unfortunately they were not allowed to leave Australia so two new sets were fabricated once this was completed the Carriages were moved by platform trailers across Brisbane to Lyttelton so they could be fumigated and prepared for shipping.

Carriages to Peru 1   Loading of the Carriages onto the vessel was handled by ships crane and a Port Gantry crane, special stools were made to sit under the Carriages to support the weight it also gave better support for shipping. All Carriages were shipped under deck and arrived in good condition at Matirati.
Carriages to Peru 2   Upon arrival all the Carriages were discharged using ships gear once landed onto the berth a harbour mobile picked up the Carriages and moved them away from the ship so discharge could continue without delay.
Carriages to Peru 3   The total transport package included twenty carriages, three containers of ancillary equipment and 22 sets of narrow gauge railway bogies. The carriages are 17m long with an average weight of 35 tonne – heaviest carriage was 44t. Overall the Project ran very smoothly without damage and the train arrived into Peru as planned.
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