Cheese Belts USA 1          This long-haul international project commenced in April 2020 and was successfully completed in September 2021.
Cheese Belts USA 1a    The consignment consisted of three machinery modules with a volume of 1083 cubic meters. Many logistical challenges were encountered including ongoing shipping problems and port congestion plus the all-encompassing issues presented by Covid -19. When the project was awarded, it was not expected the Covid pandemic would escalate into, one of the biggest obstacles encountered. This also impacted on the customer sending technical staff to Mosinee, including arriving on site to coincide with the install crew and securing MIQ for their return to NZ.
Cheese Belts USA 2    The first two machines were shipped out of NZ in May 2021. The logistics of managing the haul route included off loading and transhipment in Manzanillo, Panama across to Galveston then a five-day road haul to Mosinee. To complicate matters the transhipment vessel scheduled into Manzanillo from Brazil suffered a main engine breakdown resulting in a major delay reaching Galveston. However, an alternative vessel was located some three weeks later. In the meantime, due to shortage of shipping space out of NZ the third module departed three weeks late.
Cheese Belts USA 3    

During this transit it was decided to save time and discharge at Savannah rather than Manzanillo and then ship across to Galveston with the two other units. With more intricate planning, transport permits were secured after arriving into Savannah and the load was successfully moved to the installation site in Mosinee. Following this, the two other units arrived from Galveston.

The installation then proceeded to plan and the NZ technical personnel returned in time to meet their allocated Covid Quarantine arrangements.

Cheese Belts USA 4   Cheese Belts USA 5













































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