Each Unit measuring 9.5m x 6.7m x 6.7m and weighing 40t

Travel height on highway 7.4m

This challenging project during 2022 involved 18 months from initial planning through to final delivery in Australia. Also, with Border closures through Covid there was no access to physically scope the Australia haul route from Port Brisbane to Yatala. Fortunately, borders reopened and we were able to travel to Brisbane to finalise the barging and transport scopes before the Fermenters departed NZ.


Fermenters Lifting Huntly foot bridge     The original plan was road transport from Hamilton to Port of Tauranga for shipping. However, whilst it was the preferred route, serious logistical problems arouse including the potential cost (close to one million dollars) involving removal of HV power wires. It was then decided the Fermenters would be shipped out of Auckland and a new haul route was planned. Again, logistical issues were involved, a prime one being lifting the Huntly overhead Foot Bridge. Additionally involving the rail electrification in South Auckland plus a series of tree cutting along the way.                                                                         
Fermenters Arriving Shipside Auckland  

Initially the first two Fermenters were hauled to the Port of Auckland in May and the second two during early June (distance of 265km). During this time more hurdles were encountered. Three weeks prior to transport, Trans power the asset owner of the H/L pulled their permits which ruled out travel up Albertson Road. The alternative route which was full of fiber cable and as there were no options they were removed and reinstated after the loads had travelled through.

Fermenters Loading onboard Auckland    

The roadway was also very narrow and three traffic islands needed to be built up so the trailers could negotiate them without causing damage. With all the complex work involved each tandem load required 3 days transit to reach Auckland. From the city outskirts to the downtown Port terminal also had its share of problems including overhead obstructions and tight manoeuvring. Pleasingly, loading onto the ship and securing the Fermenters onboard went to plan and the ship departed for Brisbane.

Fermenters Discharging at Brisbane   Fermenters Barge alongside at Brisbane
 Discharging at Brisbane    Barge Alongside at Brisbane
Fermenters Onboard Barge at Brisbane   Fermenters Barge navigating the Logan River Queensland
 Onboard Barge at Brisbane    Barge Navigating the Logan River

Following arrival in Brisbane the consignment was offloaded directly to barge for the voyage south then navigated up the Logan River (10 hrs steaming). They were then unloaded at a riverbank location for transporting to site. During the final road haulage to Yatala there were HV wires which needed to be lifted plus other complications, all which were competently handled by the delivery crew. Reaching the final destination all four Fermenters were successfully delivered.

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